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Missing Members

The following members of the 203rd Entry are eluding capture! If you should happen to recognise a name and/or believe you know their location, please ask them to contact me via the link on the webmaster page or advise me directly yourself. Thank you

G1960255   Richard Bowyer
P1960475    Dave Baker #
X1960480    Les Crates
H1960489   Trevor Price

Q1960493   Pat Russell
V1960498   Robert (Bob) Allen
N1960501   William (Bill) Barton
P1960502   Mick Bee
U1960507   Alan Every
V1960508   Mick Geach

J1960517    Dave Smith

R1960521   Frank Walsh
Y1960562   Ken Pearson
A1960563   Brian Pilbeam
D1960566   Malcolm Prist
H1960568   Frank Thorndell
M1960571  Mervyn Wright
B1960483  Jim Davidson
S1960505  Tony Chapman
R1960504   Nigel Brake
A1960529   Dave Brankin #
A1960546   Dave Griffiths
W1960560  Vic Moody #
P1960492  Tony Rudge

# Additional Information

Dave Baker is believed to be living in Kings Lynn, Norfolk with, apparently, no interest in rekindling old aquaintanances

Dave Brankin is believed to be living near RAF Wittering with, apparently, no interest in rekindling old aquaintanances 

Vic Moody is believed to be living in Boston, Lincolnshire with, apparently, no interest in rekindling old aquaintanances

Copyright © 2012 George D Nott. All rights reserved

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