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Issue and Update History 2014

9 Feb


Made 2014 Reunion page Home Page


Added information to 2014 Reunion page. The page is password protected with the same password as for the Contacts page


Added / ammended contact information for Dave Nelthorpe, Bob Bradley & George Nott


Added Update History page for 2014


19 Apr


Added photographs provided by Ken Davison and Dave Brassett to Entry People Places and Memorabilia


20 Apr


Current photo and location of Bob Bradley added


9 May


Website updated to incorporate pages etc for Alan R Taylor. See the Clipboard and Contacts Page for more information


24 May


Website updated to include photographs taken during the 2014 Reunion in Dublin


New photo (106) added to Entry People, Places & Memorabilia re Rich Bowyer courtesy of Ken Davison. Identities on pictures 101, 103 & 104 amended again courtesy of Ken


31 May


Photo (107) of Bob Pilbrow and Merv Wright added to Entry People, Places & Memorabilia


"Then" photo added to Merv Wright's page


"Then" photo added to Bob Pilbrow's page


Photo (77) of Barry Gregory at the International Helicopter Museum added to After Halton


Photo (78) of Dave Gooch in Old Quebec City  added to After Halton


8 June 2014


New page for 2015 Reunion created


Air Clues link on Home Page updated


23 June


Two new videos added. Red Arrows and the BBMF in the Netherlands courtesy of Alan Taylor


12 December


New photographs included in Entry People, Places & Memorabilia courtesy of Dave Nutt


12 December


New page 2 added for Entry People, Places and Memorabilia


New photographs included in Entry People, Places & Memorabilia courtesy of Mal Chapman and Bob Bradley


13 December


Details added re the 2015 Reunion


18 December


Bernie Lawtons funeral notice added to Final Postings


Page added for 2015 Update History


Page added for Service of Dedication prior to Graduation


Songs of Praise Order of Service added


Copyright © 2012 George D Nott. All rights reserved

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